Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Managing Anxiety Nausea: Strategies for Relief & Wellness

Managing Anxiety Nausea: Strategies for Relief & Wellness

Many people feel sick to their stomach or like throwing up when experiencing intense anxiousness. In fact, over half of those with diagnosed anxiety disorders struggle with nausea as a symptom. While anxiety doesn’t always lead to nausea, it’s real discomfort for numerous individuals. Some notice mild queasiness, while others cannot function from severe nausea. …Read More.
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / How To Maintain Focus With ADHD – 14 Tips

How To Maintain Focus With ADHD – 14 Tips

Maintaining focus can be a challenge for those dealing with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ADHD makes it difficult to stay on task and complete goals without distraction. This is due to brain chemistry and structure differences that impact attention and focus. However, there are strategies one can use to improve their ability to concentrate. …Read More.
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Overcome Imposter Syndrome: Tips for Self-Confidence

Overcome Imposter Syndrome: Tips for Self-Confidence

“I do not deserve my success.” “Did I really win the award on my own merit? Maybe it was a fluke or a mistake.” “I am just a fraud…” Do such thoughts come to you often that make you question your past achievements? Does your inner critic flare up at every milestone you reach, wondering …Read More.
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / 12 Strategies to Overcome Anxiety and Overthinking

12 Strategies to Overcome Anxiety and Overthinking

Overthinking is bad for mental health. It leads to stress, anxiety, and panic attacks. You suffer day after day, but there is no respite. Too much overthinking may even lead to headaches and insomnia. So, if you want to stay happy and in peace, it’s essential to stop overthinking no matter what happens. How to …Read More.
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Hangover Anxiety Or Hangxiety – 7 Useful Ways To Prevent It

Hangover Anxiety Or Hangxiety – 7 Useful Ways To Prevent It

Many people don’t know that hangovers after drinking alcohol may have physical and psychological anxiety symptoms. This disorder is known as hangover anxiety or hangxiety. What Is Hangxiety? Hangxiety’ or ‘hangover anxiety’ is a mental health condition when the person experiences a few negative physical hangover symptoms. It is post-drinking anxiety, usually visible in the …Read More.
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Teacher Wellness 101: Practical Tips to Avoid Burnout

Teacher Wellness 101: Practical Tips to Avoid Burnout

Since the last few months, more and more stories have been coming up about teachers quitting their jobs. However, in reality, this is not a new phenomenon. The exit of teachers from schools started specifically after the COVID-19 pandemic across the country. Reportedly, 300,000 or so educators quit their posts in public schools within the …Read More.
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Silent Struggles: The Psychological Toll of Infertility

Silent Struggles: The Psychological Toll of Infertility

Many people consider having a family the ultimate goal for leading a fulfilling life. But for some, the likelihood of this dream becoming a reality is more complicated or even impossible. Knowing the right coping strategies helps one deal with such stressful situations better. In this post, we will focus on how infertility affects people …Read More.
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / PTSD from Job Loss: Practical Strategies for Healing and Moving Forward

PTSD from Job Loss: Practical Strategies for Healing and Moving Forward

Losing a job can be a seismic event in one’s life, often leading to a profound sense of loss and disorientation. If you’ve recently found yourself jobless, you might recognize this scenario: Each morning used to start with purpose, guided by a comforting routine. Suddenly, the stability is shattered by job loss, leaving you grappling …Read More.
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / Seasonal Affective Disorder: What It Is and How to Cope

Seasonal Affective Disorder: What It Is and How to Cope

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), often referred to as seasonal depression, is recognized as a type of major depressive disorder. This condition is characterized by its unique timing, typically occurring at specific times of the year. Unlike general depression, which is a persistent state of low mood that significantly hinders daily functioning, SAD is closely linked …Read More.
Home / Blog: Time to destigmatize / 7 Vital Signs of Trauma Bonding You Should Know About

7 Vital Signs of Trauma Bonding You Should Know About

Trauma bonding refers to the situation when a person experiences an abusive relationship with an abusive person and feels close to them. People who have been emotionally or physically abused find it hard to deal with their feelings. It can be tough to understand when the attacker acts loving or kind after the abuse. Trauma …Read More.